divendres, 9 de juny del 2023

Per fi han arribat els fruits!

Fa unes setmanes els alumnes de quart vam anar a l'hort a plantar diferents hortalisses. Aquesta setmana hem pogut recollir els enciams, havien crescut moltíssim i feien molt bona pinta. Entre tots hem repartit la nostra collida per tastar-la a casa. 

Esperem poder agafar més fruits ben aviat.

dijous, 1 de juny del 2023

Talk about someone you love

4th graders are doing a very special activity these days. To practise routines they were asked to write about the daily routine of someone who is special for them. 

First, they interviewed the person to get to know at what time they get up, have breakfast, go to work, etc. Then, at class, they wrote a text using that information and could also draw a picture or bring a photo to stick it on the paper.

It was a fun activity, they enjoyed writing about someone who they love and showing it to their classmates. Good job, everyone!